Where in the World?

Looking through some old photos of trips my husband and I have taken through the years, it struck me how many places in the world bear a strong resemblance to each other – not that anyone would completely mistake one for the other – but close in some ways.  Here they are. What do you think? Either/or?

IMG_20151231_0001South Africa or the Salinas Valley, CA in August.IMG_20151231_0002



Germany or Bloomfield Hills, MI.



The Alps or the Sierra Nevada in CA.

What’s New in Washington D. C. and How Deep are My Leaves?

I spent Thanksgiving in Washington D.C. site seeing with my son and daughter-in-law. They are the two best travelers I know. The weather was perfect, the town was not crowded and we had a wonderful time touring the White House, walking, eating, and visiting museums and monuments. This was my first trip, and I already have a list of things to see next time.

I did take a few pictures – 143 in all, including several of my shoe, the tour bus seat and my thumb. Here are a few of the better ones.

P1000562                                                        The White House Blue Room (of course)

P1000567                                                      The White House Red Room (aptly named)

These two rooms make me want to consider redecorating.

P1000607  The original Wright Brothers plane at the National Air and Space Museum. (Can’t tell from the picture if it is Orville or Wilbur piloting.)

IMG_0152The dome of the Capitol Building where congress meets is undergoing maintenance. The glow around the dome is not an indication of angelic behavior on the part of its inhabitants,  or a lack of focus by my camera, just lights reflecting off the scaffolding. The light to the left of the building is actually the moon.

The morning after I returned home, I noticed fall had arrived in my neighborhood. I think it is just as beautiful, in its own way, as Washington D.C.

